Saturday, March 31, 2007

Iran note ties nuclear stance to fear of attack

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Iran, in a confidential letter posted Friday on an internal Web site of the U.N. nuclear monitor, said its fear of attack from the United States and Israel prompted its decision to withhold information from the agency.

In the letter, Iran said the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency had repeatedly allowed confidential information crucial to the country's security to be leaked.

The IAEA, in response, urged Iran to reconsider, saying the decision would be in defiance of the monitor's 35-nation board. Both the Iranian document and the confidential IAEA response were made available to The Associated Press.

My opinion : Their fuss is completely logical, as everything comes from Iran ends up on U.S. intelligent services desk ...

Think it was in cold war period and U.S. were giving all her nuclear and military bases details to an international department, where soviet diplomats could easily access to them and at the same time soviet government was threating that U.S. is a big threat for the world and we might attack them ... Would it be a good idea to cooperate with that international department ?

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