Thursday, March 1, 2007

Where I come from ...

Where I come from, spring is comming soon and the land is preparing its self for letting those flowers and plants to grow agian.

Where I come from spring winds are blowing again to melt all snows and encourage the plants to rise through snow and shout : Hey ... Spring is comming, New Iranian(Persian) year is comming :-) Prepare for new year ... Clean your house, Wash the walls, Decorate the house and gather around traditional new year (Called No'rouz in Persian that means New Day ) table which Iranian families have gathered around for more than 3000 years now ...

Prepare, Spring is comming, even if where ever you look, you can see the stress of a near war in the faces, but still spring is comming and Iranians are once again getting ready to celebrate their old ancient new year ...

I am getting ready too ... even if I am in the middle of bunch of snow in far far north on the other side of those known seas ...

*** The picture up there is from one of western Iranian provinces.

1 comment:

TERESA said...

Sounds like a poet,hehe...