Friday, February 11, 2011

I am happy :-)

Uninstalling dictator ... 99% complete

I am very happy that middle east is finally waking up. I am happy that dictators are shaking in the palaces and I am happier to hear the screams against violence(while the dictators want to lead them to violence). I am happy that people prefer to use the word reform instead of revolution. I am happy that people do not like the smell of blood after revolutions anymore and would prefer let the guy JUST GO(although the temptation of staying at power and make a kingdom with transferring the power to the son is strong)  ...

I am happy to see the spark of hope in Egyptian eyes :-)

Although Mubarak did his best to bring violence to the demonstrations by taking a combination of GUNS, KNIVES, and last but not least CAMELS to the Tahrir square. He also copied lessons from Iranian government in killing demonstrators by Police cars. He tried to use the element of fear to frighten the middle class and warn them of the dangers they would face for demanding his resign. But still people are still standing & demanding his resign. In his last statement he is trying a new trick by transferring power to a man who was responsible for all the controlling and prisoning the political activists in the country in recent years which sounds like a JOKE !!! Well it seems one of the richest men of the world, as the rumors says, is not willing to give up easy I guess.

As Wael Ghanem has said to an Iranian opposition news agency(that Egyptians learnt from Iranians and now Iranians should learn from Egyptians while he was having green wristband on), I am happy to see the fruits of Iranians rising against their government(the use of Facebook as a medium to show the real face of Iranian people & also the government) in other countries in the region. Now it is our turn to learn from Egyptians(both oppositions and the generals/soldiers working for revolutionary guard). We are born to learn and we will learn and tomorrow is our turn and we will shape it in our own hands. The opposition groups in Iran has asked for permission to demonstrate in support of people in Egypt and Tunisia(& as usual no reply from the government). May 14th of February be a new start in our journey to democracy in Iran ...
*picture found on Facebook

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