Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Angel of Death and Cruelty

Today I read a news title and then a the news its self. The news contained a warning from al Qaeda's deputy leader posted to Obama. The message contained threats toward Obama and American troops in Afghanistan. Well that's not the point of writing this post here, but what made me think and then after it write here was how simple he looked with all those books behind him. He looked very simple and old. Looked like an old scientist if you ask me and then I remembered the blasts in U.S., Iraq, Afghanistan and etc, which killed thousands of innocent people ... He is a simple old man who is so cruel that cant be imagined. He is a simple man who read those books behind him to miss use the power of believe of some youngs, to make them blow themselves and others up in his cruel way ...

Where I come from oldness has a meaning of holiness, where oldness brings respect. Then with my point of view, I call this guy Angel of Death and Cruelty, an angel which deserves to be traced, imprisoned and courted because of thousands of lives that were taken away under his orders.

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