Monday, March 30, 2009

IFcreativity can be taught ?!?

tranlation : creativity can be learnt(or taught)
Can creativity be taught ? This is a philosophical question I guss. I saw this sentence on the train at Oslo subway, which is placed as the main sentence in an advertisement for an Art School at Oslo. The question remains if their claims is right or wrong ?
I believe a lot of what a human can do is from its previous experience and the more the person sees and feel and hear, the more he can do in the future ... But is this creativity or this is a mixture of our old experiences ? Isn't creativity an invention that never existed before ? Like a totally new style of painting that looked DUMB and STUPID to earlier artists. To be honest I dont know the answer to this question neitehr but I think that school can train alot of good artist that would make very nice artifacts but I dunno much about how creative they will be and if their creativity has anything to do with their school trainings ...

tranlation : creativity can be learnt(or taught)

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