Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vote for changes ...

Well I think I really like this guy or at least I really like to see this guy at whitehouse ... Yeah, I am pretty sure about it ...

To be honest, It doesn't matter what his plans are (although I think they are good) or what he is going to do is really going to change anything, but I think his identity and his face color would change enough things all around the world ...

Just imagine an imigrant black, I am sorry to say it like this but I really want to underline his positive adjectives for making changes as much as I can, become the president of the superpower of the world and all the media, all around the world show him as the most powerful man on Earth ... THIS IS CHANGE ... This is when our eyes would get used to new facts ... The fact that would shout that we are living in a fair world which color, nationality or other things wouldn't matter ... That is when things would change all around the world :-) That's when we become a better society :-)

Once I heard in U.S. they don't ask you, where you are from, they ask you where are you heading ... If Obama becomes the president, I really would believe in this :-)



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