Fat′h Ali Shah Qajar was born September 1772-23 October 1834. He was the second Qajar king of Persia. He ruled from 17 June 1797 to 23 October 1834.
Now read what Times has to say about him & Louvre musuem :
Every year, more tourists visit the Louvre Museum than any other attraction in France. It holds about 35,000 works of art, spread out over 60,000 sq. ft. (600 sq m) of exhibition space, and last year drew 8.3 million visitors — more than the population of Switzerland or Denmark. Indeed, the museum is so vast that it might be seen as a country, thought Claude Baechtold, Paolo Woods and Serge Michel, creators of the zany new book Louvreland. The unofficial best-of guide categorizes the outsized inhabitants and themes of the Louvre with impudent charm. Under Transportation, Louvreland includes St. Paul's rapture and the abductions of Ganymede and Deianeira; the Archangel Gabriel delivers the Mail. And the heading Sky takes in a sunset by Joseph Vernet and storm clouds by Eugène Delacroix. In a thorough tweak to the Louvre's earnestness, the book explores the museum as a land filled with violence, debauchery and opulence. Consider the traveler's options: blow-out breakfasts (think plums and hard-boiled eggs under chestnut trees); concerts (lutes and harpsichords); and X-rated adventures, including trysts between same-sex couples (as in Raphael's Self-Portrait with a Friend).
The second in the Baechtold's Best series of tongue-in-cheek guides (the first, on Afghanistan, lists its finest burkas and poppy fields), Louvreland also presents its contestants for Miss Louvre — Mona Lisa wins, of course — and Mister Louvre, whose winner is a Persian king with a waist-length beard and gold-encrusted coat. The book is no substitute for a visit to the museum itself, but it's a welcome diversion while waiting in its long ticket lines.
I think you are the dumbest person of the current time. Why you degrad you country? Stupid idiot!
The Louvre did not say dumb Iranian king but you did. Asshole.
Hi, I hope you would have left your name or something I could talk to you about it but anyway I just write my reply here.
Imagine a non selected person in a country who spent all his time having fun with thousands of girls who were gathered from the whole country instance of rulling the country & trying to know what the hell was going on in the world :
During the early reign of Fat′h Ali, Imperial Russia took control of Georgia claimed by the Persians. The war broke between Persia and Russia when Fat′h Ali Shah ordered the invasion of Georgia in 1804, under pressure from the Shia clergy, who were urging a war against Russia. The war began with notable victories for the Persians, but Russia shipped in advanced weaponry and cannons that disadvantaged the brave yet technologically inferior Qajar forces, who did not have artillery to match. Russia continued with a major campaign against Persia.
You can just imagine that this man as a king of a large country had no information about new weaponery or anything in his neighbour countries !!! I decide to call him DUMB and I think it really suits him ...I don't think it would degrede my country but improve my country in a way that authorities remember what they will be called in future if they act like him ... I should mention I wont call the kings after him DUMB because at least they tried to improve situation and try to understand the new world around them not like King Fat'h Ali Shah Qajar who were just hiding in their Harem and have fun with poor innocent girls and then kick them out to be whores afterwards !!! I really doubt calling him dumb would degrade my ancient country, because we have a lot to be proud of, we dont need to be proud of such a man ...
It's like Germans hesitate to call Hitler dumb !!!
and the next thing I can mention about Louvre is that probably Louvre has lots of those Iranian ancient heritage there because he was agian enough DUMB not to understand he is giving away our national heritage to French !!! Plus I should mention HE ordered to destroy a 2500 years old statue of an ancient king and built up his own statue instance of him !
You're welcome not to call him dumb still ...
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