Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tiger and Lion on the way back to Iranian wild nature, hopefully ...

Voice of Russia reported that "two Siberian tigers from Russia were presented to Iran Friday. The animals will live in a nature reserve in north Iran. Iranians plan to restore tiger population and Siberian tiger is the closest to the species which got extinct in Iran because of poaching. Russia got two Asian leopards in exchange. They are also endangered. The animals will live in Sochi Zoo." 

Iranian environment department has started two new projects which is to bring back to endangered species in the world(extincted inside Iranian borders) to Iran and breed them in large numbers. According to this plan they have exchanged two of the few existing Asian leopards(just in Iran) in the world with two Siberian tigers which genetically are very near to Iranian extincted Caspian tiger. They also have a plan to exchange two more of Iranian(Persian) leopards with two Indian lion which again genetically are almost the same as the old species of Iranian lions in Iran. The two tigers are supposed to be hold in a protected area in north Iran, called Miankale and the female reported to be pregnant. They will be freed after their population reach to 50-60.

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