My opinions about the world around me, From daily stuffs to the world biggest problems...
Friday, November 11, 2011
On 11.11.11 at 11:11:11, what are you doing ?
Today is 11.11.11 and it is now 11:11:11 and I am calling my mom to say happy birthday to her :-)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Trust and Superior Performance
The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.
- Harold Geneen
- Harold Geneen
Monday, October 24, 2011
Goal ...
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
- Louis Pasteur
Do not be in a hurry to succeed. What would you have to live for afterwards? Better make the horizon your goal; it will always be ahead of you.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
- Louis Pasteur
Do not be in a hurry to succeed. What would you have to live for afterwards? Better make the horizon your goal; it will always be ahead of you.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Facing Reality ...
Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you.
- Alex Haley
- Alex Haley
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What is success ?
The bigger the work you do is, the more you would believe in this sentence that follows. Success is really a ninety-nine percent failure process which leads to victory when you don't quit and continue up to the end ...
Success is ninety-nine percent failure.
- Soichiro Honda
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Oslo incident, I still can not get it ...
I want to start with saying how horrible I feel for the victims and injured ones of both incident, both the bombing and the blind shooting toward all those young politicians who did care about their country and belonged to a party I stand for :-(
When the bomb went off, I was not in Oslo. I was on a trip in Germany & about two hours after explosion I still had no idea what had happend. I got a chance to check Facebook and there it was. Short status updates from friends saying Oslo sentrum has turned to a hell !!! Oslo is the last place on earth that I could think of something like this happening. It's known to be a safe place, where everything is calm, somewhere that a cat stuck on the wall can make it to the news headlines ... This was true up to yesterday when someone went crazy which probably will change lifestyle in Oslo :-(
I am still shocked. I started calling around people to see if they are okay. My girlfriend was one street away from the explosion, my family had plans to eat at a very famous Thai resturaunt there on that day(luckily they cancelled), and one of my best friends was buying food around the corner !!! Actually it was an area that everyone would go alot there. Oslo is like nowhere else, right beside where the government is sitting is one of the crowdest areas of the city for resturaunts and pubs. I really liked this idea that government people are not people out of reach, they are a part of people and they live and rule between people. It seems what lots of other Norwegians and me enjoyed/were proud of, yesterday turned Oslo to a living hell. Although I was not in Oslo but it feels like I felt the waves ... I wish I was there beside my lovedones ...
At the end I want to say two more things, first emphasise agian that my thoughts goes to all victims and those injured in these blind violent attacks. Second that I am proud of the Norwegian primeminister(Jens Stoltenberg). When the country was under frightening shadow of terrorism, while he had no idea from which side the threat is coming from, he said :
When the bomb went off, I was not in Oslo. I was on a trip in Germany & about two hours after explosion I still had no idea what had happend. I got a chance to check Facebook and there it was. Short status updates from friends saying Oslo sentrum has turned to a hell !!! Oslo is the last place on earth that I could think of something like this happening. It's known to be a safe place, where everything is calm, somewhere that a cat stuck on the wall can make it to the news headlines ... This was true up to yesterday when someone went crazy which probably will change lifestyle in Oslo :-(
I am still shocked. I started calling around people to see if they are okay. My girlfriend was one street away from the explosion, my family had plans to eat at a very famous Thai resturaunt there on that day(luckily they cancelled), and one of my best friends was buying food around the corner !!! Actually it was an area that everyone would go alot there. Oslo is like nowhere else, right beside where the government is sitting is one of the crowdest areas of the city for resturaunts and pubs. I really liked this idea that government people are not people out of reach, they are a part of people and they live and rule between people. It seems what lots of other Norwegians and me enjoyed/were proud of, yesterday turned Oslo to a living hell. Although I was not in Oslo but it feels like I felt the waves ... I wish I was there beside my lovedones ...
At the end I want to say two more things, first emphasise agian that my thoughts goes to all victims and those injured in these blind violent attacks. Second that I am proud of the Norwegian primeminister(Jens Stoltenberg). When the country was under frightening shadow of terrorism, while he had no idea from which side the threat is coming from, he said :
I am proud of this man :-) I hope this does increase our security concerns, but does not change the Norwegian lifestyle. A lifestyle based on trust and tolerence :-) He wanted us frightened, but we should stand strong ...Stoltenberg, 22.07.11 : "We will retaliate with more democracy".
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Viva Japan, Viva Asia :-)
Japan won the women soccer world cup today. Back to 1990's when I was a kid, I remember Iranian national TV buying some Japaneses animations(That series was built in 1986) which encouraged us to play soccer more & more ... Japaneses are known for the ones with plan, well structured enough to implement the plan and also word super hard for it. Here it is 20 years after that. What have they achieved ?
- Becoming one of the best Asian men soccer team(Always in top three)
- Winning Asian cups 3 times
- Attending in soccer world cup both in women and men level
- Holding the men soccer world cup ; together with South korea; for the first time in Asia
- And now standing on top of the soccer world, at women soccer
I can imagine the day that Japanese men soccer players will also stand there and wave to us, as there has been a very long history in experience and investment in men soccer, so it takes more time for Japanese management, planning and hard work to beat them all, but at the end they will :-)
I like it when hard work fruits and I say congratulation both to Japan and Asia, as this victory brings both soccer worlds to a new level :-)
Friday, July 15, 2011
What you give is what you get ...
The more we give of anything, the more we shall get back.
- Grace Speare
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Time ...
You will never find time for anything. If you want the time, you must make it.
- Charles Buxton
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sleeping itself is a beauty ...
A good night sleep is one of the most important things in one's life which one simply comes to its importance, the day they loose the ability to sleep ...
by Shahab, when suffering from influenza and a tight nose !!!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The man on the moon, gonna see ...
I am going to see one movie which a friend recommended today. It is called "the man on the moon" and the main role is Jim Carrey.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Happy birthday Mr. President, although we have no idea where you are ...
Today was once again "the anger day" in Iran. Although there were even MORE security forces than the simple people in the streets, still they came and managed to show the dictator that green movement is still alive and do not tolerate their leaders arrest. These Green movement leaders(Mousavi and Karoubi) were earlier under house arrest, but in an unknown date last week, they and their wives were transfered to an unknown place. Today Iranian people came to streets(not only in the capital but almost in all major Iranian cities and also in getthos) to show their respect for those who stand for their rights.
Ironically today was the birthday of Iranian opposition leader Mir-Hossain Mousavi, who is spending today under arrest in an unknown place somewhere in Iran(either with or without his wife). I just wanted to tell him that we do support you Mr. president and happy birthday although we have no idea where you are. We are proud of you, not for your silence in front of political mass murders in early years of revolution, BUT for that you have stood for our rights, our votes and our freedom. We do respect that you do not fear loosing your life in this way.
Signing off
Officially ME
1st of March 2011, the birthday of Mir-Hossein Mousavi :-)
Ironically today was the birthday of Iranian opposition leader Mir-Hossain Mousavi, who is spending today under arrest in an unknown place somewhere in Iran(either with or without his wife). I just wanted to tell him that we do support you Mr. president and happy birthday although we have no idea where you are. We are proud of you, not for your silence in front of political mass murders in early years of revolution, BUT for that you have stood for our rights, our votes and our freedom. We do respect that you do not fear loosing your life in this way.
Signing off
Officially ME
1st of March 2011, the birthday of Mir-Hossein Mousavi :-)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The story of a killer who mourns for his victim ...
This art student*(at Tehran's art university) was killed by gun shot on 14th of February in Tehran during opposition rally which governments paramilitary did their best to bring violence to it. Now the same people who are the main suspects(as they were carrying warm weapons and were observed shooting toward demonstrators) claim he was killed by the opposition gun fire(simple people can not own guns in Iran, carrying warm weapons is strictly forbidden and can result in death penalty). According to his friends interview with media, Sane has been a Mousavi fan and has been taking part in all rallies against Ahmadinejad after the questionable presidential election.
Our story in Iran is that they kill us and then bury us with their own hands while mourning for us ... Weired, but True :-( ... The story of having no shame whatsoever ... Something that has bothered me my whole life listening to a bunch of shameless people, assuming their audience to be bunch of sheep that can not think !!!
Unfortunately news confirm a 2nd victim death from yesterday's rally in Tehran. The Iranian government who has been criticizing the Egyptian government for mistreating the oppositions in the last week, now has to face the accusation of killing protesters in Tehran by their paramilitary forces direct gunshot. Eye witnesses claim they have seen paramilitary forces on motorcycle who fired at him.
Mohammad Mokhtari
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day of Anger, Valentine style ...
The whole day today I have been very nervous, not because of valentine, but because of a planned rally by Iranian Greens in support of protesters in Egypt and Tunisia. I actually did not have any hope to see people again in the streets after one year silence of the greens, but it seems I was wrong thanks to our Egyptians freedom fighters. It seems like Greens are inspired from Tunisians and Egyptians protesters who actually did manage to drive away dictators from their countries. It seems today from Iranians young boys and girls up to the elders of the society preferred to spend their valentine on the streets trying to give a lesson to leaders of Iran.
Today on Valentine day Iranians came once again to the streets and tried to show off, and of course Iranian government is no Mubarak(Egyptian ex-president). They do have a very good paramilitary(Basijies) mobilized and ready to bring violence in any non-violent rally against them whereever in Iran. So today Basijies were on call and could not make it to the their valentine dates. They were busy driving with motor cycles to the pavements beating up pedestrians and trying to use the element of fear to drive people away from the streets, but they did not make it. Although because of mass of police and Basijies presence all over the city a huge classic style rally did not take place, but there were reports of anti-governmental gatherings at least all over Tehran and also reports from Isfahan and other major cities. The demonstrations made one key point - the opposition Green Movement is still alive.
According to the interviews of the Mousavi's advisor with different media, Greens leadership was after to use this opportunity to show the current leaders of Iran that they have to sit at the table and negotiate with them and if NOT they have the power to bring people to the streets of at least Tehran and other major cities of Iran.
My best regards to all freedom fighters in Iran.
Signing off, Officially ME ...
Today on Valentine day Iranians came once again to the streets and tried to show off, and of course Iranian government is no Mubarak(Egyptian ex-president). They do have a very good paramilitary(Basijies) mobilized and ready to bring violence in any non-violent rally against them whereever in Iran. So today Basijies were on call and could not make it to the their valentine dates. They were busy driving with motor cycles to the pavements beating up pedestrians and trying to use the element of fear to drive people away from the streets, but they did not make it. Although because of mass of police and Basijies presence all over the city a huge classic style rally did not take place, but there were reports of anti-governmental gatherings at least all over Tehran and also reports from Isfahan and other major cities. The demonstrations made one key point - the opposition Green Movement is still alive.
According to the interviews of the Mousavi's advisor with different media, Greens leadership was after to use this opportunity to show the current leaders of Iran that they have to sit at the table and negotiate with them and if NOT they have the power to bring people to the streets of at least Tehran and other major cities of Iran.
Signing off, Officially ME ...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Ignite Oslo, Rapid Prototyping
On Thursday I hold one of the most difficult presentations of my life. I was representing Robotica Osloensis, a student community which I am deputy chairman of, at Ignite Oslo. I talked about Rapid Prototyping which we use as our main method at Robotica in our projects. Ignite is a style of presentation where participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject accompanied by 20 slides. Each slide is displayed for 15 seconds, and slides are automatically advanced. The Ignite format is similar to Pecha Kucha, which features 20 slides displayed for 20 seconds each.
The Ignite Oslo was a very nice event. They had 5 minutes presentations about different topics(list over topics) which were very interesting. Presentations about art, film making, music composition with applications on iPad, 3D printing, air balloons and fashion, etc. It was pretty stressful when it came to my turn. The whole idea of 15 seconds intervals and having a lot to say about a subject that actually belongs to the nerd world made me very nervous. Thanks to my friends Magnus Lange and Ole Jacob, who helped me both about the content and preparing in advance for the presentation, I was well prepared. Also I should thank my friends who came there to support me when I was actually holding the presentation. My presentation can be downloaded by clicking here.

The Ignite Oslo was a very nice event. They had 5 minutes presentations about different topics(list over topics) which were very interesting. Presentations about art, film making, music composition with applications on iPad, 3D printing, air balloons and fashion, etc. It was pretty stressful when it came to my turn. The whole idea of 15 seconds intervals and having a lot to say about a subject that actually belongs to the nerd world made me very nervous. Thanks to my friends Magnus Lange and Ole Jacob, who helped me both about the content and preparing in advance for the presentation, I was well prepared. Also I should thank my friends who came there to support me when I was actually holding the presentation. My presentation can be downloaded by clicking here.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
They did it :-)
100% completed ... Dictator is uninstalled :-)
Well THEY did it :-) Mubrak has resigned and there are lots of reasons for Egyptians to celebrate now :-) They managed to do show the time-being pharaoh of their live history that there is no more room for a pharaoh in Egyptian history anymore. They did show him that he can not start a kingdom and place his own son after himself. They did go out, bled, beaten and some were even killed, but they did not bow to HIS wills, and there came the time that HE had to resign and leave the seats for a person that is chosen by PEOPLE:-)But it is not over. Now it is time for the people to be wise and know exactly what they are doing. They DID know what they DID NOT want, but do they know what they actually WANT ? This was Iranians problem in 1979 and more than the generation that did have this dilemma, my generation did face consequences of it in Iran. I hope Egyptians look at us, a live example in the region and do choose their choice wisely. I do not want to accuse Muslim Brotherhood for what they have not done, but I can say I do not like to see that what happened to my generation in my home country happens to next generation of Egyptians. I can say how hard it would be to live under a state that not only would take away your political freedom, but even your social freedom. It is the responsibility of every single Egyptians voters now to choose wisely and feel the responsibility for the tomorrow of their children. A tomorrow that can be a free democratic Egypt or an Egypt under the rules of frozen minds.
Hereby I would like to give my warmest greetings and best wishes to all the brave people of Egypt ... The successful freedom fighters of our region :-)
Friday, February 11, 2011
I am happy :-)
Uninstalling dictator ... 99% complete
I am very happy that middle east is finally waking up. I am happy that dictators are shaking in the palaces and I am happier to hear the screams against violence(while the dictators want to lead them to violence). I am happy that people prefer to use the word reform instead of revolution. I am happy that people do not like the smell of blood after revolutions anymore and would prefer let the guy JUST GO(although the temptation of staying at power and make a kingdom with transferring the power to the son is strong) ...
I am happy to see the spark of hope in Egyptian eyes :-)
Although Mubarak did his best to bring violence to the demonstrations by taking a combination of GUNS, KNIVES, and last but not least CAMELS to the Tahrir square. He also copied lessons from Iranian government in killing demonstrators by Police cars. He tried to use the element of fear to frighten the middle class and warn them of the dangers they would face for demanding his resign. But still people are still standing & demanding his resign. In his last statement he is trying a new trick by transferring power to a man who was responsible for all the controlling and prisoning the political activists in the country in recent years which sounds like a JOKE !!! Well it seems one of the richest men of the world, as the rumors says, is not willing to give up easy I guess.
As Wael Ghanem has said to an Iranian opposition news agency(that Egyptians learnt from Iranians and now Iranians should learn from Egyptians while he was having green wristband on), I am happy to see the fruits of Iranians rising against their government(the use of Facebook as a medium to show the real face of Iranian people & also the government) in other countries in the region. Now it is our turn to learn from Egyptians(both oppositions and the generals/soldiers working for revolutionary guard). We are born to learn and we will learn and tomorrow is our turn and we will shape it in our own hands. The opposition groups in Iran has asked for permission to demonstrate in support of people in Egypt and Tunisia(& as usual no reply from the government). May 14th of February be a new start in our journey to democracy in Iran ...
*picture found on Facebook
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