Monday, December 17, 2007

who is coward and who is criminal ?

Withdrawing and handing back the power by British forces from Basra ( in south Iraq ) to Iraqi police force was mentioned by Al-Qaida 2nd top leader as a sign of their power. But Basra is where nearly every one belongs to other types of Islam ( Shia Isalam ) but not the type Al-Qaida believes in, which makes their announcement more than funny !!!

Al-Qaida, has announced withdrawing of British soldiers from Basra and handing the power to Iraqi police in Basra is a sign of rebels power in Iraq which sounds like a big joke as Al-Qaida NEVER had power in south Iraq and IF they had some activities, they didn't use it to kill Americans or British soldiers but to kill Iraqi Shia Muslims ( which they don't like ) !!!

Handing back of power is the result of co-operation and peaceful ways of handling problems with Americans and British forces there not the result of stupid ways of Al-Qaida which acts like coward in their way of fighting ( Terrorist attacks ) and kill even simple civilians beside soldiers. Violence was never the solution to solve problems and negotiation have always worked ...

Lets hope for a better world full of Peace and Friendship and Unity of the whole world of ours out of poverty and war.
